Finished 1950s-1980s Overview Lecture
No notes required, just full attention. Students could take notes for up to 30 extra credit points.
Jeopardy Review
HW – get lots of rest so you’ll be fresh for STAR testing!
Testing schedule:
Thurs: Science
Fri.: History!
** Remember to bring something quiet, individual, and non-electronic to do. No electronic devices are allowed during the entire testing period. We will have a long period of time after the science test because the sophomores and freshmen are taking another test afterwards.
No notes required, just full attention. Students could take notes for up to 30 extra credit points.
Jeopardy Review
HW – get lots of rest so you’ll be fresh for STAR testing!
Testing schedule:
Thurs: Science
Fri.: History!
** Remember to bring something quiet, individual, and non-electronic to do. No electronic devices are allowed during the entire testing period. We will have a long period of time after the science test because the sophomores and freshmen are taking another test afterwards.