Fri. 4-28-17 – Even Schedule: 2-hour Block – Per. 6 meets
Thurs. 4-27-17 – Odd Schedule: 2-hour Block – Per. 3 meets
Finish review of Unit 3 Exam
Review Strive for a 5 HW Periods 4, 5, and 6, pp. 96-100, 129-134, 161-166
Work on SAQ writing
HW: Strive for a 5 Periods 7, 8, and 9, pp. 209-214, 253-259, 291-294. on your own paper
(# in single column as before for notetaking).
Due Mon. 5/1 and Tues 5/2
Wed. 4-26-17
Review Unit 3 Exam
Tues. 4-25-17 – Even Schedule: 2-hour Block – Per. 6 meets
Mon. 4-24-17 – Odd Schedule: 2-hour Block – Per. 3 meets
Write Reconstruction DBQ (this must be made up in class if you are absent)
Review Periods 4, 5, and 6 using the Strive for a 5 book:
Do pp. 96-100, 129-134, 161-166 on your own paper. Number in single column form so there is room for taking notes when we go over it on Wed.
HW: Bring “Strive for a 5” book
Finish “Strive for a 5” work; due Wed. 4-26