To make up the WWII lecture, you can go to this page and watch the video.
Or, you can just view Part 2 (p. 3, part 4 of the handout) of the slideshow here.
Fri. 4-10-15
WWII Video: Homefront
Per. 2 – finished WWII Lecture; turned in WWII packet (purple)
Schedule next week:
Mon. 4-13 -- attend Per. 1, 3, and 5
Tues. 4-14 -- attend Per. 2, 4, and 6
Wed. 4-15 -- attend all classes -- regular Wed. schedule
Thurs. 4-16 -- attend Per. 1, 3, and 5
Fri. 4-17 -- attend Per. 2, 4, and 6
Refer to the bright yellow schedule sheet handed out in class. My classes do not start the math CAASPP testing next week, so we are just in class.