HW 5-2 Side 2 was due
Finish Lecture: Progressive Reform
HW: Progressives Mini-Project (see below) due Mon. 10-31-11
Progressives Mini-Project
Assignment: Report on a current-day reform movement. Include a brief history and description of the problem, linking it or comparing it to the issues from the Progressive Era. Then discuss the movement to fix the problem including the methods being use to combat it.
1. Report will be in your own words; no cutting and pasting from the internet.
2. Report will be 2 pages typed, double-spaced. Use Times, Geneva, or Helvetica, 12-pt font.
3. Include a bibliography (page 3 of the report) in which you cite at least 4 sources of your
research. If you use Wikipedia (you may only use it once), be sure to cite the actual page you
consulted, not just “Wikipedia.” You may use http://www.easybib.com/ to help you use proper, full
bibliography form for all your sources.
4. Present your report to the class in a brief oral presentation. If you would like to show a few photos
relating to your topic, you may bring them on a flash drive (in a folder labeled with your name and
period number). This must be with you on the due date.
5. Due date: Monday, October 31, 2011. Papers must be ready at the beginning of class to be counted
on time.
6. Points possible: 60
Sample Bibliography
Works Cited
"Accessibility - OS X - Vision." Apple. 2011. 23 July 2011 <http://www.apple.com/accessibility/macosx/vision.html>.
Shaver, Kelli. "5 Ways to Ensure Your Site Is Accessible to the Visually Impaired." Mashable: Social Media News and Web Tips, The Social Media Guide. 20 Apr. 2011. 23 July 2011 <http://mashable.com/2011/04/20/design-for-visually-impaired/>.
"Web Accessibility Initiative." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 23 July 2011 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Accessibility_Initiative>.
(Note: this is in MLA style).
Sample ideas for topics (can be related to the US or other countries):
child labor / human trafficking / forced labor or military service
food safety / medication safety
occupational safety
civil rights (women’s rights, bigotry, religious freedom, etc…)
political corruption (campaign finance reform, interest groups, etc.)
environmental hazards (pollution, chemicals/factories near housing, etc.)
medical reform (national health care, HMOs/cost of insurance)
Finish Lecture: Progressive Reform
HW: Progressives Mini-Project (see below) due Mon. 10-31-11
Progressives Mini-Project
Assignment: Report on a current-day reform movement. Include a brief history and description of the problem, linking it or comparing it to the issues from the Progressive Era. Then discuss the movement to fix the problem including the methods being use to combat it.
1. Report will be in your own words; no cutting and pasting from the internet.
2. Report will be 2 pages typed, double-spaced. Use Times, Geneva, or Helvetica, 12-pt font.
3. Include a bibliography (page 3 of the report) in which you cite at least 4 sources of your
research. If you use Wikipedia (you may only use it once), be sure to cite the actual page you
consulted, not just “Wikipedia.” You may use http://www.easybib.com/ to help you use proper, full
bibliography form for all your sources.
4. Present your report to the class in a brief oral presentation. If you would like to show a few photos
relating to your topic, you may bring them on a flash drive (in a folder labeled with your name and
period number). This must be with you on the due date.
5. Due date: Monday, October 31, 2011. Papers must be ready at the beginning of class to be counted
on time.
6. Points possible: 60
Sample Bibliography
Works Cited
"Accessibility - OS X - Vision." Apple. 2011. 23 July 2011 <http://www.apple.com/accessibility/macosx/vision.html>.
Shaver, Kelli. "5 Ways to Ensure Your Site Is Accessible to the Visually Impaired." Mashable: Social Media News and Web Tips, The Social Media Guide. 20 Apr. 2011. 23 July 2011 <http://mashable.com/2011/04/20/design-for-visually-impaired/>.
"Web Accessibility Initiative." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 23 July 2011 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Accessibility_Initiative>.
(Note: this is in MLA style).
Sample ideas for topics (can be related to the US or other countries):
child labor / human trafficking / forced labor or military service
food safety / medication safety
occupational safety
civil rights (women’s rights, bigotry, religious freedom, etc…)
political corruption (campaign finance reform, interest groups, etc.)
environmental hazards (pollution, chemicals/factories near housing, etc.)
medical reform (national health care, HMOs/cost of insurance)